Students need to have a clear understanding of skills required for their studies, research and/or future employment. By building self-assessments linked to these skills, we can help students to identify their own tailored and unique areas for development and to link these to specific support and resources
We have developed a confidence-based self-assessment diagnostic tool which can be customised by you, through a simple to use content management system (CMS). You can set your own questions and categories or use questions and categories created by other colleagues, to create your own bespoke diagnostic.
As-well-as providing the students with the means to reflect upon their own skills and manage their own learning, you will be able to access student responses providing you with useful insights.
Here you can try the demo diagnostic.
The aims of this demo are to give you an example of what the Diagnostic Tool can do from the students' perspective and the opportunity for you to think how you might use the tool to create bespoke diagnostics, allowing your students to align their levels of confidence around the skills, needs, preferences and competencies that they will need on their course (and/or placement or future employment).
Try Demo DiagnosticCreating your diagnostic is done using the CMS.
Full guidance on how to create a diagnostic can be found on the University of Bath Learning and Teaching Hub @Bath
to CMS